You may have wondered where the name Redneck Fancy came from, so let me take you on a journey of what all is behind our name. This starts way back in the mid 90s (yes, I'm dating myself), when I was in love with the song Redneck Girl by the Bellamy Brothers. I actually still have that song on my playlist and each time I hear it, I smile remembering being that redneck girl who "likes to cruise in Daddy's pickup truck" - which happened to be a 1993 F350 crew cab two-toned red and black big a$$ Ford truck named Chuck (after none other than Chuck Norris of course). That truck hauled our copper bumper pull trailer all over Roseau County to team pennings, a Centennial Wagon train and innumerable trail rides. Pretty soon, my dad had no choice but to get me my own truck because I guess a farmer without his big truck to pull trailers and water tanks doesn't work so well. (Sorry Dad!)
Fast forward to 2020, as I started envisioning my tack business, Redneck Fancy kept resonating with me. I always say we are fancy people, not country club fancy, but redneck fancy. I like glitz and glam but am not afraid of getting dirty. If my boys were ever really dirty, it made my heart happy because it meant they had a good day. Either a day of hard work that is good for the character, or they had fun mudding with their four-wheelers splashing through the puddles. There is absolutely no ill-intent behind the name, especially if you know where I come from - an eclectic family of adopted kiddos, differing diversities and different abilities. We love everyone. Always have and always will.
So, if you have a little Redneck Fancy in you, know that you are my people and I hope to cross paths with you soon!